Principles of Thinking and Winning Like a Champion

Principles of Thinking and Winning Like a Champion:

1.     Embrace Healthy Eating as a Lifestyle

Champions get it.  They know that having optimal health and energy is critical to being a champion.  They don’t argue with themselves about this.  They know they have to work out and eat right. They embrace it as a lifestyle.  To be a champion yourself, you must do the same. Let me ask you a question. How many overweight, out of shape, diabetic athletic champions do you know? None? Me neither. [Read more…]

Expect to Win!

Principle 3: Expect to Win!

Champions expect to win.

Michael Johnson, the great 200m and 400m Olympic Champion, a 4-time Olympic Gold Medalist and 8-time World Champion, used to wear specially made gold shoes by Nike.  These shoes were paper thin and super light, designed for single use only.  They cost a lot of money, and Michael threw them into the crowd after each race.

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