Speaker Nicky Billou
Nicky Billou Address to the Canadian National Beach Volleyball Program
Keynote Topics
Finish Line Thinking™ — An educational talk of 30 minutes on Finish Line Thinking™, the 13 Principles of How to Think & Win Like A Champion, followed by 30 minutes of taking the group through the Finish Line Thinking™ Scorecard Exercise, which will include taking all your audience through the Scorecard, in great depth and detail, all the way to setting their top 10 goals, and then picking their top 3, and then we infuse them with the self-confidence of a champion through bringing them the most relevant of the 13 Principles to them, and to create a powerful Finish Line Thinking Ritual, priming them to perform and preparing them for victory!
- Think 2 Win — Have you ever wondered what makes a champion a champion? What has one person be a champion, and another as or more talented be an also ran? Research shows that it’s how the champion thinks. Champions engage in what author and high performance guru Nicky Billou calls Finish Line Thinking™. What is Finish Line Thinking™? It’s the science of how to think and win like a champion. Packed with his trademark insight, and his years of experience in working with Olympic Champions, world record holders, business champions, and thought leaders, and backed by the research of Dr. Anders Ericson and Dr. Angela Lee Duckworth, Finish Line Thinking lays out the 13 Principles of How to Think and Win Like a Champion. These principles will change your life, if you take the time to learn and apply them. (45 minutes)
- From 4th to 1st: The Mark McKoy Story — Mark McKoy is one of Canada’s most celebrated and decorated athletes. He is a 15 time Canadian Champion, a 3 time Wealth games Champion, an Indoor World Champion, and an Olympic Gold Medalist at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. What is less well-know is the incredible adversity and never give up attitude that allowed him to finally triumph and win, after numerous 4th place finishes, going from 4th to 1st, seemingly overnight. Hear the story; in his own words, from him, and learn how you too can go to the top using his success secrets!
Listen In On
The Kickass Life Podcast with David Wood featuring Nicky Billou and
13 Key Principles to Think Like and Be a Champion
If you are interested in hiring Nicky or Mark to speak at your next sales conference or business event, please fill out the form below for a Request For Proposal
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