Systems, Systems, Systems!

Systems, Systems, Systems!

I was talking to my good friend Leslie Benczik the other day, about the secret to his outstanding success as a realtor. Leslie and his team will sell over 200 homes this year in Markham, Ontario, which puts him in the top 20 ReMax agents in Canada. He has been selling real estate for over 20 years. I asked him what allowed him to perform at such an outstanding level, year after year.

His answer was simple.

“It’s all about my success system. I follow a system, and many other agents, who are equally if not more talented as salespeople, do not. And that’s why I succeed, and they do not.”

“You mean you are not the top most talented salesperson in your industry, or at least one of them?”

“Well I am if you look at my results. But I am not, if you look at what people consider to be ‘natural’ sales skills. I am not super comfortable with everybody, I am not the greatest schmoozer ever. I know plenty of reps who are better at that part of the business than I will ever be. But I will outsell them, every time, because I have a system that I follow, and they don’t. That’s the key.”

“There are lots of agents who don’t have a system, and that’s why they are not as successful as they want to be. And there are lots of agents who have a system, but they don’t follow it well, or at all, and that’s why they are not as successful as they want to be. The key to outstanding success as a real estate agent is having a system and following it, consistently, comprehensively, and completely.”

“So what makes a good system, what does it consist of?”

“First, you need to understand that good system relies on 2 things: filling the funnel, and servicing the heck out of your clients. Both are critically important. My team and I spend a lot of time on filling the funnel. We spend a certain amount of time in the morning prospecting. We make calls, we do door knocking etc. In the afternoon, we do follow up calls and listing appointments. In the evening, we list and show homes.”

“We also have a comprehensive marketing strategy, including digital and web marketing. We have completely redesigned our website, and we have a program in place to generate leads for us online. Nothing is left to chance. We know what results we want to achieve, and our system is designed to ensure that we achieve those results.”

There you have it, from one of the best in the business.

This closely aligns with one of the key principles in my new book, Finish Line Thinking: How To Think & Win Like A Champion. Principle #3: Expect To Win. Champions expect to win. They think about winning, not about losing, and they recognize that their expectation of victory is a function of their level of focus and preparation. In real estate sales, that translates into taking the time to set up a system that works, and then working the system.

Do you have a system in place to help you in sales? Are you utilizing it consistently and effectively? If so, great. If not, [a] how can you get a system in place, fast, or [b] how can you start using it consistently and effectively so that you make more money?

These are good questions for you to ponder and answer!

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